The Consumer/Carer Representative at Delmont Hospital is a unique role and one which represents the interests and perspectives of people who use our services. The role is held by a person who has an understanding of mental health issues through personal experience and is committed to the support of patients and carers.
The role of the Consumer/Carer Representative is to:
- Act as a conduit of communication between patients, carers, and the hospital executive.
- Attend Community Meetings.
- Encourage patients to share their opinions and experiences.
- Attend Executive Management Meetings representing the interests of patients.
- Coordinate patient feedback by collating the “Suggestion Box” responses where compliment, complaints, suggestions are received. The feedback is then reported and actioned at the Executive Management Meeting.
- Distribute Patient Satisfaction Surveys and display results in communal areas of the hospital.
- Facilitate focus groups for targeted patient feedback, including fortnightly afternoon teas.
- Ensure patients have input into the review of hospital material including brochures and the patient information booklet.
- Remain up to date with best practice methods in the area of consumer/carer participation through membership of The Victorian Advisory Consumer/Carer Forum.
Consumer/Carer Representative is Ms. Freda Goldberg. You may contact her on (03) 9805 7333.